Epistemic Playfulness: poetics of (re)construction of meanings in PLE and PLH


  • Jamile do Carmo Staniek TH- Nürnberg




Portuguese, Playfulness, Epistemology, Decolonization, Reconstruction


This article addresses the theme of (re)construction of meanings through pedagogical games within the teaching/learning of Portuguese as a foreign language (PLE) and heritage language (PLH/POLH) based on the author's productions. Taking the ludic from an epistemic perspective (ALBERTI, 1999; LOURO DA SILVA, 2018), the focus is on exploring creativity through language games critically-reflexively, implying in understanding pedagogical games not only as specific products or objects in themselves, but as hermeneutic processes that foster thinking/speaking/interpreting in Portuguese from responsive attitudes (BAKHTIN, 2018). In a geopoetic premise of educational decolonization (McMANUS, 2007; DINIZ, 2008; OCAÑA, 2018), the created materials emphasize creativity through inter/transdisciplinary praxis as a perceptive deautomatization factor; within that, enhancing other relationships of learners regarding Brazilian spaces beyond stereotypes and clichés. This sociocultural and dynamic dimension of teaching/learning corresponds here to a reconstructive dialogicity (FREIRE, 1980) in which the ludic gives interculturality a greater degree of integration between subjects and spaces, as well as the socialization of knowledge, especially regarding the historical-cultural aspect of the language. In this context there is a reflection on the concepts of “heritage language” and “foreign language” respectively and jointly, considering the inheritance passed on by the language and its pluricentric aspect. Given the need to go beyond normative grammar without, however, despising it, the playful nature of these materials is based on two fundamental points: epistemic provocations and hermeneutic "particip-action", whose results so far point to a significant degree of critical-reflexive interaction, in addition to of greater interest and dissemination in the areas of PLE and PLH/POLH.


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