The discursive (re)cosntruction of the afective experiences of English learning: an analysis based on the category of Perezhivanie




Teaching-Learning of English, Affective Experience, Perezhivanie, Appraisal, Appraisal System


This paper has two main objectives: to generate intelligibility about the English learning experiences of a group of Undergraduate students, as well as to understand the process of discursive reconstruction of those experiences. Bearing these goals in mind, the category of perezhivanie (affective experience) is used aiming to comprehend theoretically the role of these affective experiences in the students’ subjective English learning pathways. Semistructured interviews were performed with the students of the Chemistry Teacher Formation Program of the Federal Institute of Maranhão – Campus Codó. In order to understand the different ways our affective experiences are materialized in discourse, this study employs the Appraisal System as an analytical tool to examine the meaning of the appraisals realized encoded in the narratives. The results demonstrate that the affective elements play a key role in the teaching-learning of English and that the appraisal represents an important tool for the reconstruction of our affective experiences.


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