In the “Ritimo” (Rhythm) of Writing: Vowel Epenthesis and Unconventional Spellings in a Sixth-Year Class in Ponta Grossa, Parana




Orality and literacy, Writing acquisition, Unconventional spellings, Vowel epenthesis


This work analyses unconventional spellings related to vowel epenthesis in texts by students of the sixth year of Elementary Education in Ponta Grossa, Paraná. Therefore, this research investigates occurrences of the presence and absence of a vowel that deviate from the rules of orthographic convention, e.g., respectively, internete (for internet ‘internet’) and opnião (for opinião ‘opinion’). The theoretical reference of this research is the Heterogeneous way of writing constitution (CORRÊA, 2004). The corpus consists of 203 textual productions by students from two public schools (MENDES, 2013). As general results, 33 occurrences were found, 27 (81.8%) of vowel insertion, e.g. diginidade (for dignidade ‘dignity’), and 6 (18.2%) of vowel absence, e.g. cicrets (for chicletes ‘chewing gum’), which evince the marks, in writing, of the dialogic circulation of the writer through the social practices of oral/spoken and literate/written, respectively.


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