Path marking on the satellite in Latin, Old Portuguese, and Vernacular Brazilian Portuguese


  • Luiz Henrique Milani Queriquelli UFSC
  • Heronides Moura UFSC



This work analyzes the marking of both path and manner categories in verbal expressions of movement in Latin, Old Portuguese, and vernacular Brazilian Portuguese, based on Talmy’s (2000) typology, which divides languages ??between two patterns: verb-framed and satellite-framed. The aim is to explore in an essayistic way, in order to surprise new research problems, such as marking in these languages ??and formulate alternative hypotheses to explain an apparent change in Brazilian Portuguese. Based on data extracted from different corpora, the results indicate that Latin behaved like a typical s-framed language (similar to modern Germanic languages); in the transition to modern romance languages, there was variation between the two patterns (v-framed and s-framed); later, the neo-Latin languages ??were consolidated as typical v-framed languages; today, however, the Brazilian vernacular presents consistent data that enable us to classify it as a language prone to the s-framed pattern, similar to Latin.


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