Effects of the social welfare on the life situation of the elderly in the rural area of Santana da Boa Vista – Rio Grande do Sul


  • Cristiane Tonezer UFRGS/PGDR
  • Marta Júlia Marques Lopes UFRGS/EENF




This study analyzes the changes which occurred in the life situation of the rural older adult population of Santana da Boa Vista – Rio Grande do Sul, with the social welfare benefits. The study is part of an Interdisciplinary Research Program that aims at integrating a multidisciplinary focus on the analysis of the rural development in areas of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, more precisely in the region known as Metade Sul. The objective is to describing and analyzing, the changes occurred in the situation of life after if they benefit with the social welfare help. Therefore, it is an exploratory and descriptive study with collection and qualitative data analysis via interviews, with 30 beneficiary older adult of Social welfare, residents in the rural environment of the town studied. It was observed that the social welfare benefits allow them to diminish their workload, for the regularity of the monthly contribution, it allowed them to continue living in the rural environment, a place which they do not consider leaving, mainly, larger power in the autonomy sense and independence in the family relationships, since they can help their children and grandchildren, with whom they plan the future and elaborate different strategies to remain in the rural environment.

Author Biographies

Cristiane Tonezer, UFRGS/PGDR

Bacharel em Desenvolvimento Rural e Gestão Agroindustrial pela Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul, 2005. Mestre em Desenvolvimento Rural pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2009.

Marta Júlia Marques Lopes, UFRGS/EENF

Professora titular em saúde coletiva da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Mestre e Doutora em Sociologia pela Université de Paris, França.




