The image of women in science


  • Silvia Domínguez Gutiérrez Universidad de Guadalajara, México



Women do not imagine themselves as scientists. 58 students (22 men and 36 women) at the top level of the University of Guadalajara, Mexico, were asked to write the first idea that came to their mind as they hear the word "scientist”. The majority reported that they thought of a man, wearing a white lab coat, with glasses, old age. Only one student viewed a woman as a scientist. This fact is relevant, since the informant students belong to the University Center of Health Sciences from different professions that are mostly composed of women (Nursing, Psychology, Nutrition, Dentistry, Medical School and Physical Education). To obtain such information, a questionnaire with associative questions and semi-structured interviews were used and analyzed using inductive/deductive techniques and qualitative-type content. Although it was observed that the women’s role is fundamental for the development of the countries,  the female presence has been  relegated or perceived as support to their  "great men", idea related to culture, education and a  patriarchal tradition, and observed almost everywhere in the research.

Author Biography

Silvia Domínguez Gutiérrez, Universidad de Guadalajara, México

Doctora en Educación, profesora-investigadora en el Departamento de Estudios de la Comunicación Social, Universidad de Guadalajara, México. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, SNI.





Dossiê: Gênero, tecnologias e ciências. Organização: Profª Drª Luciana Klanovicz