Norma Arrostito. Political woman. Her subjective construction since the Motonera militancy


  • Leandro Diego Basanta Crespo Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires
  • Claudia Bacci Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires



The essay deals with the experience of political activism of Norma Arrostito, where are displayed conflicts and problems personal and politics at inside of the organization Montoneros.The relevance of this study appeared in Norma Arrostito think one of the many chapters relegated to the political life of the seventies. Being her a mythical and paradoxical, I felt necessary to gain an understanding of his figure and his activism in those years. From this point was taken into account in the analysis: the construction of the figure in political activism, participation in the organization Montoneros, which limits the political-military organization imposes to her and the intertwining of all these issues with their gender , violence and the political context of the 70s'. The period of analysis of my work was from the public appearance of Norma Arrostito for kidnapping Aramburu (29 May 1970) until his arrest (December 2, 1976). His progressive marginalization of the national leadership is based on issues for her own personality or she is an expression of gender inequality within the organization Montoneros? The inability to bend the decisions of the organization Montoneros perhaps made Norma Arrostito prey of a destination chosen anyway, without mention that any human being is the product of his social practices. And from this last statement, female subordination was always present.

Author Biographies

Leandro Diego Basanta Crespo, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires

Graduando em Sociología na Universidad de Buenos Aires, UBA, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Claudia Bacci, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires

Socióloga, Mestre de Investigação em Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Buenos Aires (UBA). Dirige o UBACyT Project "da revolta à revolução: corpo, gênero e violência política na Argentina (1960-1973)" na Escola de Sociologia da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Buenos Aires, UBA, Argentina.






Dossiê: Militância e vida cotidiana: os anos ’60 e ’70 no Cone Sul