Ethics, environment and mining


  • Ozanan Vicente Carrara Universidade Federal Fluminense, Volta Redonda, RJ



This article discusses the problems brought by the mining industry in the light of the ethical theories of Hans Jonas and François Ost, two fundamental names of the environmental ethics. The author intends to show how the ethical fundamental principles demanded by both philosophers are absent in the current mining public politics adopted by the State, claiming for the use of participative democracy mechanisms in the decision making process before the installation of such projects, for more responsibility in the use of our natural resources, for respect towards economic productivity diversity, and for also guaranteeing participation of the local population in the benefices of already installed projects. He also applies both theories of responsibility to mining activities, showing that they may illuminate the current mining public politics, most of all dictated by the interests of mining enterprises themselves, without respecting citizen rights that cannot make themselves sufficiently represented by the traditional representative democratic institutions.


Author Biography

Ozanan Vicente Carrara, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Volta Redonda, RJ

Doutor em Ética e Filosofia Política pela UERJ, com período de pesquisa na Université de Strasbourg, França, como bolsista do CNPq  Professor de Ética e Introdução à Filosofia nos cursos de Direito e Psicologia e Mestrado em Tecnologia Ambiental.


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Artigos - Sociedade Meio Ambiente, Migrações e Risco