Curitiba, the quality and the life


  • Paulo Henrique Battaglin Machado


One of the best ways of thinking of Quality of Life is through the impact of development and public policies over a society on which the socio-environmental and human dynamics present themselves as attributes of its stakeholders. Starting from the conceptual aspects of quality of life, concepts about intra-urban differential aspects were adopted as the best way to characterise urban inadequacies and inequalities for a better understanding of the components of the inequities existing in this environment. Initially, the Genebrino or Distance method was adopted in 1984 for a global evaluation, then resumed in 1996, on the intra-urban differentials analysis. At present, in the second edition, version 2000, of this method, the context has been enriched by other methodologies that provide more consistency to the analysis, thus increase the validity of the measurements. Cluster Analysis and Geographic Information System were also added to this process, both in the intra-urban and inter-cities contexts. For that reason, this standpoint has been adopted in this work whose focus is Curitiba. Thus, this article performs an analysis under the perspective of the various methodologies that evaluate quality of life. These findings are confronted to those of urban model and image consolidated by the city.

Author Biography

Paulo Henrique Battaglin Machado

Doutor em Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento pela UFPR/Universidade de Paris e Bordeaux. Mestre em Epidemiologia Ambiental e Políticas de Saúde pela London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Especialista em Poluição Hídrica e Doenças Hidroveiculadas pelo ICETT no Japão e Engenheiro Civil pela PUC-PR. Professor, Pesquisador do Centro Universitário Positivo (UNICENP), Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná (UTP), Faculdade Evangélica do Paraná (FEPAR), Faculdade Camões, IBPEX, ISEPE, IDEA e IMBRAPE.




