A Insurgência da UNA LGBT em Chapecó/SC

The Insurgence of the UNA LGBT in Chapecó/SC





In this article we aim to analyze the processes of creation of the National Union of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transvestites and Transsexuals (UNA LGBT) in the west of Santa Catarina. The emergence of UNA LGBT in Chapecó made it possible to consolidate LGBT parades in the region, occupying public spaces in a city with conservative features. A qualitative research was carried out along with recorded interviews of five people that participated in the creation of the movement, in addition to the participant observation by the researcher, who is also a member of the movement and producer of the field diaries added to the analyzed material. As a manifestation of the movement's consolidation, the activities carried out since its creation in 2016 were described, with a special focus on LGBT pride Parades, an element of increasing visibility, affirmation and cohesion of people dissenting from the normative cisgender and heterosexual system. The conclusions of the research carried out and of the present article, point to the fundamental importance of the constitution of collectives for the life and inclusion of vulnerable people, many of them due to the marginalization violated to those who do not fit the compulsory impositions of cisheteronormativity.


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