Urbanization and ambient quality: the prodution process of the brazilian coast space


  • Elizabeth Borelli


This text discuss about the question of the relations between urbanization and ambient quality in the coastal zone. The increasing degradation of coastal ecosystems is provoked by the disordered urban expansion, in function of the interests of the capital. Real estate speculation, irregular land divisions, predatory tourism, clandestine nestings, demographic growth with significant migratory movement, are elements that exemplifies the urbanization process that comes occurring of disordered form in the region. The picture of social ambient aggravates, given the negative consequences on the quality of life provoked by the pollution and beach degradation, rivers and streams, for the deforestation, the destruction of fens and the practice of predatory fishes, in way to the social exclusion of the native population. The analysis of the facts evidences a problematic aggravation of the urban throughout the time, with the deepening disequilibrium of the ambient and also bringing effects to the social economy of the region.

Author Biography

Elizabeth Borelli

Doutora em Sociologia e Mestre em Economia Política pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Professora da Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Ciências Contábeis e Atuariais - FEA da PUC-SP




