The Nature and the city

Strategies for Geography Teaching in Sapucaia do Sul/RS




Natural heritage, Ecosystem services, Geography Teaching, Sapucaia do Sul


Sapucaia do Sul is a municipality in the Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre, and like other locations in Brazil and the world, the relationship between society and nature in this space has been troubled. Marked by rapid and disorganized urbanization, characteristic of peripheral municipalities in large Brazilian metropolises, natural elements are threatened by invisibilization and lack of effective public policies for their conservation. At the same time, a significant portion of the population lives in areas susceptible to natural disasters and in precarious housing conditions, the result of a process of production of urban space that did not take into account either the nature or the quality of life of the city's inhabitants. In this context, we seek to understand how nature and society have interacted in the municipality's territorial formation process, and how urbanization has threatened natural heritage and the ecosystem services they provide. Therefore, this research investigated the relationships established between natural heritage, ecosystem services and urbanization in the municipality of Sapucaia do Sul, and developed teaching material to be used as a Geography Teaching tool in the municipality.

Author Biographies

João Carlos Hoffmann Junior, Secretaria Estadual de Educação do Rio Grande do Sul





Adriano Figueiró, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

He has a degree in Geography from the Federal University of Santa Maria (1990), a master's degree in Geography (Use and Conservation of Natural Resources) from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (1997), a doctorate in Geography (Environmental Planning) from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro ( 2005) and Post-Doctorate in Geoconservation from the University of Minho-Portugal (2013) and the National Autonomous University of Mexico- UNAM (2024). He is currently an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Santa Maria and Scientific Coordinator of the UNESCO Quarta Colônia Mundial Geopark. He has experience in the area of Physical Geography, with an emphasis on Geoecology, Geoconservation and Environmental Education. Leader of the Research Group on Natural Heritage, Geoconservation and Water Management (PANGEA) and coordinator of the Observatory of Anthropocene Landscapes (OBSERPA) of the Department of Geosciences at UFSM. He carries out research and supervises undergraduate and postgraduate students at UFSM, in the areas of landscape ecology, geoconservation, environmental planning, geotourism and environmental education. He works in the Postgraduate Programs in Geography at UFSM and UFPel and in the Professional Master's Degree in Geography Teaching on a National Network - PROFGEO.




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