Flexibility among adolescents - a contribution to global evaluation


  • Domingos José Lopes da Silva Faculdade de Ciências do Desporto e de Educação Física da Universidade do do
  • José Augusto Rodrigues dos Santos Faculdade de Ciências do Desporto e de Educação Física da Universidade do do
  • Bruno Miguel Paz Mendes de Oliveira Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição e Alimentação da Universidade do Porto




The present study intended to assess flexibility of adolescents of both sexes, involving several body regions and articular groups; to compare males with females, to establish, by factor analyses, inter-tests correlations, in order to obtain explanations of the result in original variables and, to verify which principal components, by reduction of the number of correlated variables, are susceptible to better explain variability. The sample is constituted by 52 subjects (28 females and 24 males), aged between 15 and 18 years. Flexibility assessment battery was formed by eight tests: sit and reach (SA), v-sit and reach (V-SA), stand and reach (FTFP), trunk lift (ET), arm-trunk lift (ETB), side bending (FLT-D e FLTE), shoulder stretch (AMAC-D e AMAC-E) and, bend and reach (AAA). The main results showed, in general, a balance in both sexes as far as the ability to perform wide movements is concerned. There is a strong association: 1) among similar technical characteristic tests, which seems there is no need for cumulative use among these tests, and 2) among those tests that have direct effects on laterality, AMAC-D/AMAC-E (except males) and FLT-D/FLT-E. The AAA test did not correlate with any of the performed tests, particularly in males. Factor analyses of principal components (CP) showed the existence of three components in the female group, with eigenvalues higher than 1, explaining 83,2% of total variance, while in the male group four components were necessary to explain 88,8% of total variability. The tests that were more strongly correlated with each one of principal components were: 1) for males: SA, FTFP, V-SA (CP1), FLT-D, FLT-E (CP2), AMAC-D, AAA (CP3), and ETB, ET (CP4); 2) for females: AAA, FLT-E, AMAC-D, AMAC-E, FTFP (CP1), V-SA, SA, FTFP (CP2), and ETB, ET (CP3).





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