Functional flexibility in institutionalized sedentary older adults




The aging process leads to deterioration in physiological functions, decreasing functional capacity. Since physical exercise reduces deleterious effects, measuring physical condition is necessary in older adults. The aim of this study was to verify the evolution of the range of motion in institutionalized sedentary older adults. The sample consisted of 19 volunteers aged 65-95 years who completed the Chair Sit-and-Reach test (CSR) and the Back-Scratch test (BS) to measure flexibility of the lower and upper limbs, respectively, before and after a period of 12 weeks without intervention. The results showed significant decrease during the control period (BS, p=0.004; CSR, p=0.001). These findings confirm that physical inactivity could lead to important loss of flexibility of institutionalized individuals, indicating decline of the elastic properties of musculoskeletal tissues and of connective tissues of joints. Therefore, the participation of institutionalized older adults in properly prescribed and guided physical exercises should be continuous and regular.

Author Biography

Michelle Matos Duarte, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria

Doctora en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte. Profesora en CAFyD, Facultad de Salud.


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