Characterizing the magnitude of vibration imposed by stochastic whole-body vibration platforms used in rehabilitation and training: a preliminary study




Acceleration, Rehabilitation, Stochastic Processes, Training


The use of devices that produce stochastic whole-body vibration as a resource for rehabilitation and training programs has been founded on the theory of stochastic resonance. However, the prescription of rehabilitation and training programs must be preceded by the verification of imposed-vibration magnitude and of how it can be affected by the presence of an individual on the devices. The aim of this research was to characterize and analyze the effect of an individual's mass on the vibratory stimulus provided by stochastic whole-body vibration (SWBV) devices. The sample consisted of 30 repetitions for each one of the 6 vibration levels of the SWBV device (level 02, 04, 06, 08, 10 and 12), performed in two experimental situations (Without Load; Load [70Kg]; ? 35 kg on the right and left surfaces of the platform). For the antero-posterior, latero-lateral, and vertical directions, all variables showed significant differences between treatments, levels and interaction between experimental factors (p<.05), except for the Disp variable between treatments (p=.075). To measure vibration magnitude, a triaxial accelerometer was attached at the center of the board of one of the platform surfaces. Load interferes with parameters of vibration imposed by SWBV platforms, increasing ARMS and APEAK in the latero-lateral and antero-posterior directions, reducing these same parameters in the vertical direction.


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