Obesity and decrease of daily physical activity among children and adolescents: a follow-up study





Uso de drogas, Famílias, Saúde mental.


We analyzed the effect of obesity on daily physical activity (DPA) and on light-intensity physical activity (LPA), moderate-intensity physical activity (MPA) and vigorous- intensity physical activity (VPA). Overall, 462 students from a public school (53.6% boys; aged 7-12 years) were involved in this one-year longitudinal study. Physical activities and sedentary behaviors (SB) were reported in the questionnaire Food Intake and Physical Activity of Students (Web-CAAFE). Obesity was evaluated through Body Mass Index (BMI z score ? 2). Obesity was observed in 16.5% of participants, but it did not influence LPA, MPA or DPA. However, VPA were 20% less frequent among obese students (?²=0.80; CI 95%: 0.66-0.98). Obese girls showed less frequency of VPA than non-obese boys (Mean Difference = -0.97; CI 95%: -1.36 to -0.57).  Non-obese girls showed less VPA than non-obese boys (Mean Difference = -1.18; CI 95%: -1.40 to -0.95) and obese ones (Mean Difference = -0.57; CI 95%: -0.90 to -0.24). Obese boys showed fewer VPA, if compared to non-obese ones (Mean Difference = -0.61; CI 95%: -0.96 to -0.26). The analysis of the obesity-sex-age interaction showed that there was a greater reduction in VPA among obese girls aged 10 years or more when compared to obese girls aged 7-9 years, and to boys obese and non-obese regardless of age. Amounts of VPA and SB increased simultaneously among non-obese boys and non-obese children aged 7-9 years. Obesity reduced VPA in the sample during the follow up of one year, independently of age and SB.

Author Biographies

Lizziane Andrade Dias, State University of Feira de Santana

Mestra em Saúde Coletiva

Anna Karolina Cerqueira Barros, State University of Feira de Santana

Especialista em Ergonomia

Lara Daniele Matos dos Santos Araujo, State University of Feira de Santana

Especialista em Nutrição Esportiva Funcional

Emil Kupek, Federal University of Santa Catarina

Doutorado em Saúde Pública

Maria Alice Altenburg de Assis, Federal University of Santa Catarina

Doutorado em Engenharia de Produção


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