Association of parent-child physical activity: a review update of Brazilian studies – Report Card Brazil




Elderly, Aging, Activities of Daily Living, Functional Disability.


This systematic review update aimed to search for new evidences about parent-child physical activity among Brazilian studies. A new literature search for Brazilian studies published until 31 December 2019 was performed in the databases Medline, Embase, Cinahl, Lilacs, Sport Discus, and SciELO by the combination of descriptors regarding children and adolescents, physical activity, and parental support, restricted to English and Portuguese language. As result, only one new study were included besides those from previous review which corroborated with previous findings about positive relationship of parent-child physical activity. The included studies (n=14) were presented according to geographical distribution, year of publication, research design and physical activity assessment method. Limitations and future directions about  specific physical activity domains and weekly amount, as well as peers and environmental support were highlighted. This review findings reinforced that parental lifestyle behavior is an important factor for active lifestyle promotion among Brazilian children and adolescents.


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Review Articles