Classification of nutritional status by fat mass index: does the measurement tool matter?




Adiposity , Anthropometry, Body Composition, Body mass index, Electric impedance


Assessment of the Nutritional Status (NS) allows screening for malnutrition and obesity, conditions associated with chronic non-communicable diseases. The fat mass index (FMI) stands out in relation to traditional NS indicators. However, proposals that define thresholds for FMI are not sensitive to discriminate extreme cases (degrees of obesity or thinness). Only one proposal (NHANES), determined by total body densitometry (DXA), establishing eight categories of NS classification (FMI). However, DXA is expensive and not always clinically available. Our study aim to test the validity of the NHANES method using electrical bioimpedance (BIA) and skinfold thickness (ST) to classify NS. The FMI of 135 (69 women) university students aged 18 to 30 years old was determined using DXA, BIA and ST. The agreement between the instruments (Bland-Altman) and the agreement coefficient in the NS classifications (Chi square and Kappa index) were tested. The agreement test against DXA indicated that ST underestimated the FMI (-1.9 kg/m2) for both sexes and for BIA in women (-2.0 kg/m2). However, BIA overestimated FMI (1.4 kg/m2) in men, although with less bias. There was no agreement between the NS classifications (NHANES) by FMI between DXA and BIA, or DXA and ST. The exception occurred between DXA and BIA in men who showed a slightly better consensus, considered "fair" (k = 0.214; p = 0.001). In conclusion, ST and BIA did not show enough agreement to replace DXA for NS classification, within NHANES thresholds. The FMI measurement tools for the NHANES classification of the categories of NS matters.


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