What are the characteristics that influence the sitting time in university students?





Brazil, Cross-sectional studies, Lifestyle, Sedentary behavior, Students


The objective was to estimate the relationship between sociodemographic characteristics, link with the university, behavioral, biological, and self-rated related to health, with time sitting in university students at federal institutions in the state of Bahia, Brazil. This cross-sectional study was carried out with university students from six institutions (Federal University “Recôncavo da Bahia”, Federal University of “Bahia”, Federal University of “Oeste da Bahia”, University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony, Federal University of “Vale do São Francisco” and Federal University of “Sul da Bahia”) in the state from Bahia in 2019. Time sitting in hours per day was investigated and relation sociodemographic, link with the university, behavioral, biological, self-rated of stress and health variables. Path analysis was used to apply multivariate linear regression. The significance status was 5%. A total of 1,217 university students participated of the study. The final model accounts for 6% of sitting time. Self-rated health as positive (?: -0.117; p: <0.001), increasing age (?: -0.115; p: <0.001) and physical activity practice (?: -0.113; p: <0.001) contributed to the decrease in sitting time. The increase in the amount of inadequate eating habits (?: 0.063; p: 0.032) favored the increase in sitting time. The adjustment indices were satisfactory. Concluded that self-rated health as positive, advancing age and physical activities practice were determinants of reduced sitting time, on the other hand, irregular eating behaviors favored sedentary behavior.

Author Biography

Thiago Ferreira de Sousa, Federal University of Recôncavo of Bahia

Licenciado em Educação Física, mestre e doutorando em Educação Física pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.


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