Development of new adjusted equations to estimate the skeletal muscle mass stratified by nutritional status for patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a methodological study
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Memória de Trabalho, Atenção Seletiva, Ação Vagal, TênisResumen
Our objective was to adjust and validate predictive equations for appendicular skeletal muscle mass (ASM) in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). Whole-body DXA data in 90 RA patients was used for measurement of ASM (kg). The prediction equation anthropometric for muscle mass proposed by Lee et al was used to generate estimates of ASM. Appendicular skeletal muscle mass index (ASMI, kg/m2) was calculated. Frequency analysis, Paired student's t test, Linear regression, Pearson correlation, Intraclass correlation coefficients and Bland-Altman scatter were performed. The statistical significance considered was p<0.05. Lee’s equation overestimated in 30% the when compared with ASMI by DXA. When stratified by nutritional status, Lee’s equation overestimated the ASMI by 30% in overweight patients and by 50% in obese patients when compared with DXA (p<0.05). These adjusted equations estimated values for ASMI were closer to those obtained by DXA than those estimated by the original Lee’s equation (p<0.05). This greater concordance was confirmed by the observed interclass correlation coefficients and by Bland-Altman scatter graphs. In conclusion, the prediction of muscle mass in RA patients may be performed with equations that consider the nutritional status of patients.
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