Three Biblical Women Capable of Building an Alternative Female Identity




Women, Bible, Old Testament, Alternative identity


Feminism and the Bible have maintained a difficult relationship throughout history. Western culture is born in part out of the Judeo-Christian tradition, assuming as its own the ancient perception of women that is present in Scripture. Many Biblical accounts have been used to justify and maintain a patriarchal ideology throughout the centuries. Since Biblical stories still can construct the identity of a human group, it is convenient to rescue some female protagonists who can provide an alternative female identity, although they have not always been adequately valued so far. The Beloved of the Song of Songs, Deborah, and Judith are three Biblical characters that break the female clichés of their time and provide a model of women different from the traditional and could be quite contemporary to us.


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How to Cite

Angulo Ordorika, I. (2022). Three Biblical Women Capable of Building an Alternative Female Identity. Revista Estudos Feministas, 30(1).




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