Concocting Ulysses in the North


  • Ástrour Eysteinsson University of Iceland



The first Icelandic publications of works by James Joyce were translations of two stories from Dubliners (“A Little Cloud” and “Counterparts”) in 1946 and 1961.1 A third short story, “Eveline” was translated in 1962 by Sigur"ur A. Magnússon, who later would become the Joyce translator in Iceland, rendering Dubliners as a whole in 1982, Ulysses in 1992-93 (two volumes), and Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man in 2000.

Author Biography

Ástrour Eysteinsson, University of Iceland

"Ástrõur Eysteinsson is Professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Iceland. His publications include co-translations of works by Franz Kafka and Max Frisch into Icelandic, articles in the general area of literary, cultural, and translation studies, and three books. He is also the coeditor of Translation — Theory and Practice: A Historical Reader (Oxford UP 2006; with Daniel Weissbort), and of Modernism (ICLA / John Benjamins, 2007; with Vivian Liska)."





Dossiê : The James Joyce Translation Dossier (guest-edited by Jolanta Wawrzycka)