Un-sexing Ulysses: The Romanian Translation “under” Communism


  • Arleen Ionescu University of Ploie!ti, Romania




The essay reviews Mircea Iv?nescu’s Romanian translation of Ulysses, in particular the last chapter, “Penelope”, by placing its achievement within its historical context. After outlining the ideological climate during which the translation was being elaborated (censorship of sexual explicit references, xenophobia or xenophobic resistance to experimental foreign novels), the article examines some of the strategies Iv?nescu resorted to in order to overcome the strictures imposed on his re-creation of Joyce’s work in his language.

Author Biography

Arleen Ionescu, University of Ploie!ti, Romania

Arleen Ionescu is a Reader in the Department of English at the University of Ploieşti and the recipient of a research scholarship from the Zurich James Joyce Foundation in 2000. She has published widely on Joyce, Woolf and other related aspects of modernism, as well as on Fowles, Stoppard, Chaucer and Shakespeare. She is the author of Concordan""e romano- britanice (2004) and of A History of English Literature. The Middle Ages and the Renaissance, vol. 1 (2008). She has also been the General Editor of the Philological Series of the Buletin University" Petrol-Gaze din Ploieşti for many years. She is currently working on the notion of the gift for a book-length project."





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