Legal analysis of ordinary responsibilities principle, but differentiated


  • Susana Borràs Pentinat Universitat Rovira i Virgili



The legal recognition of ordinary, but differentiated responsibilities as a general principle of International Environment Law results of the application of the principle of sovereign equality which rules the international relations. Therequirements of environmental protection, mainly defended by developed countries, due to necessities of developing countries, find their balance through the legal recognition of the distinct contribution of States regarding the world environmental degradation, specially, the one from developed countries due to the pressure that their own societies exert on the environment world wide, as well as the technologies and existing financial resources. The different level of economical and technological development among States and their different environment responsibility ask for a different legal way to determine their respective obligations regarding the environmental protection to reach sustainable development. Consequently, developed countries not only have greater responsibility on environmental degradation, but also greater legal responsibility to protect the environment when compared to developing countries since their contribution on environmental degradation has preventedthe less privileged countries to reach their desired development. The principle of ordinary, but differentiated responsibilities has contributed to reach the social, economical and environmental justice through the solidarity and cooperation among countries to preserve, protect and reestablish the health and integrity of the Earth ecosystem and also to compensate the disadvantageous situation of developing countries caused by the pressure of developedcountries on environment.

Author Biography

Susana Borràs Pentinat, Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Susana Borràs Pentinat es profesora colaboradora de Derecho Internacional Público y

Relaciones Internacionales en la Facutat de Ciències Jurídiques de la Universitat Rovira i

Virgili (Tarragona, España). Obtuvo el título de Master en Derecho ambiental en 2004 y el

grado de doctora en derecho ambiental en 2007, con mención de doctorado europeo y premio

extraordinario de doctorado. Es investigadora activa en el Grupo de Investigación sobre

Derecho ambiental, Inmigración y Gobierno Local  de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili en el

Centro de Estudios en Derecho Ambiental de  la Universitat Rovira i Virgili (CEDAT). Ha

sido investigadora en diferentes centros de investigación sobre derecho ambiental: en el

Committee on Challenges of Modern Society (NATO/CCMS) en Bélgica; investigadora en el

Max Planck Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, Heidelberg

(Alemania), en el Center of International Environmental Law (CIEL) en Washington (EUA) y

en el Centre de Recherche of The Hague Academy of International Law and International

Relations on the Implementation of Environmental Law. De entre las publicaciones y

conferencias impartidas más recientes cabe destacar las que se dirigen al estudio del acceso y

participación en los beneficios derivados de  la utilización de los recursos genéticos, la

bioprospección, los refugiados ambientales, el cambio climático, derechos humanos y medio

ambiente, el registro, la evaluación y la autorización de sustancias y preparados químicos

(REACH) y la participación de los entes locales en la Unión Europea.



How to Cite

PENTINAT, Susana Borràs. Legal analysis of ordinary responsibilities principle, but differentiated. Seqüência - Legal and Political Studies, Florianópolis, v. 25, n. 49, p. 153–198, 2004. DOI: 10.5007/%x. Disponível em: Acesso em: 8 jul. 2024.


