Improper appropriation of words articulated in scientific texts: restorative justice as a possibility of resolution of the conflicts generated
From authorities speeches toscientific works, misappropriation of wordsmake vigilant the academic community tothe ethics of writing in academia. The presentarticle has as general objective to present areflection on the appropriation of words in thisarea and, as a specific objective, to dialoguein the perspective of Restorative Justice as apossibility of resolution of the conflicts arisingfrom plagiarism. The work brings in its core theinductive scientific method and procedure inthe bibliographic research. Therefore, from thepoint of view of the qualitative approach. As aresult, it is believed to be possible restorativejustice to provide change in the behavior of thepeople involved in these misappropriations.Thus, it is concluded by the collaboration ofthe Restorative Justice in the construction of asociety that has corresponsabilities based on aculture of the common good, responsible for thechanges and for the peace.References
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