The legal and environmental rationality of the Enrique Leff school of law




Legal rationality. Environmental epistemology. Enrique Leff


The need and studies a new legal rationality, resulting from the in-depth and defended environmental rationality of Enrique Leff's work, brings a vision that transcends the linear logic and the syllogism that guides the traditional application of Law and legal solutions within a strictly context positivist. The barriers that still occupy the legal and social imaginary, in the context of environmental complexity and the civilizational crisis, are questioned and reviewed according to Leffian categories in response to the problems resulting from the environmental and climate crisis that devastates the planet, marking the society of postmodernity. The scientific and philosophical foundations of Enrique Leff. allows dealing with rationalities, knowledge, new in-depth perspectives on its environmental epistemology, revealing new legal possibilities, by recognizing the essential conditions for life and, consequently, all forms of its protection

Author Biography

Belinda Cunha, Federal University of Paraíba

Professora Titular CCJ/UFPB; Pós-doutora pela IISUNA/MX e PPGD/UFSC; Coord. Grupo CNPq Saberes e Direitos; Cooperação Técnica UFPB/UFSC; Professora Visitante PPGD/UFSC.


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How to Cite

CUNHA, Belinda. The legal and environmental rationality of the Enrique Leff school of law. Seqüência - Legal and Political Studies, Florianópolis, v. 44, n. 95, p. 1–20, 2024. DOI: 10.5007/2177-7055.2023.e97975. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 jul. 2024.