Instructions to authors
Manuscript submission is done on the ScholarOne platform.
Manuscripts that do not meet the formatting set forth in Texto & Contexto rules can be submitted for initial evaluation. However, initial submission of the manuscript must follow the scientific article standard and include all the submission files necessary for review. Articles with review and final acceptance indication should be formatted by the authors according to Texto & Contexto specific requirements (standards for the references, tables, figures, etc.).
Manuscripts submitted to the Texto & Contexto Enfermagem Journal must comply with its editorial policy and instructions to the authors, which follow the EQUATOR Network (, Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts ( recommendations/
Opinions and concepts expressed in manuscripts, as well as the accuracy, adequacy and origin of bibliographical citations are the sole responsibility of the authors, not necessarily reflecting the position of the Board of Directors. The jornal discourages the submission of original manuscripts whose data collection goes back more than four years and of reviews whose data collection goes back more than one year.