Article Processing Charges

Article Processing Charges are necessary in order to subsidize the entire editorial process of Text & Context Nursing Journal. The costs include the payment to the SciELO database for contracting the editorial support services, publication, indexing and dissemination of scientific journals in the Rev@Enf collection, of which Text & Context Nursing Journal belongs.

1 - The Compliance Evaluation Fee needs to be settled when the manuscript is submitted. The payment proof should be attached as a “Supplemental file NOT for review”. The amount is R$350.00 per manuscript. No reimbursement is possible if the manuscript is rejected, regardless of when during the evaluation and peer review process.


2 - The Publication Fee is R$1,600.00, to be settled when the manuscript is accepted for publication.

3 - The author should settle the translation payment to English, Abstract and Resumen based on the choice of the translator from the list of accredited translators Texto & Contexto Enfermagem provides for this purpose.

4 - During the evaluation process, a review of the grammar/language will be asked, which will be the authors' responsibility.

5- Invited editorials are exempt from payment.

6 - The publication fee will also be applied if there is any need to publish errata

To access the link, access the website of the Research and Community Service Support Foundation (FAPEU):
Complete the form (all fields);
Check with an X the fee you are settling: Compliance Evaluation or publication.
Select the payment option: Boleto Bancário.
Click “Enviar inscrição”.
After settling the payment, you will receive an email from FAPEU with your payment proof. The proof has to be attached in the system during the submission phase.
For international payments, contact


Obs: the Compliance Evaluation fee will not be reimbursed for manuscripts not accepted.

If necessary, contact the jornal by email