Types of manuscripts

Original article: contribution to disseminate findings of scientific research. The authors’ creativity and style in the manuscript format will be respect, provided that the content addresses the introduction, methods, results, discussion and conclusion. The introduction should be brief, define the research problem and its importance, besides highlighting the knowledge gap – "state of the art" and the study objectives. The method used should be defined, as well as the context/population studied, the data sources and sample selection criteria, the analysis processes, among others. These should be describe comprehensive and completely. In qualitative research, the description of the analysis process should address the details of the specific study steps, beyond the simple indication of the type of analysis applied. The information should be included that the research was conducted in accordance with the ethical standards required. The results should be described in a logical order. When using illustrations (tables, figures and pictures), the text should complement instead of repeat the content they contain. The discussion should be separated from the results and should contain comparisons between the results and the literature, the authors’ interpretation, the implications of the findings, the limitations and implications for future research. New and important aspects of the study should be emphasized. The conclusions should respond to the study objectives, without deviating from the data found. No bibliographic references should be cited. The total length of the article is limited to 15 pages, including abstract, tables and figures and excluding the references.

Experience report or Technological innovation: description of teaching practices, extension or assistance, or description of technological innovation products experiences. The content should address the introduction, method, experience results or innovation and conclusion. Its length is limited to 10 pages, including the abstract, tables and figures, and excluding the references.

Reflection: article to express opinions or analyze aspects that can contribute to go deeper into themes related to the health and nursing area. The content should address the introduction, reflection and conclusion. Its length is limited to 12 pages, including the abstract and excluding the references.

Literature Review: study that identifies, analyzes and synthesizes results of independent studies on a certain subject. Included in this category are: systematic review with and without meta-analysis, integrative review and scoping review. Its length is limited to 20 pages, including the abstract, tables, pictures and references:.

Letter to the Editor: brief text aimed at promoting intellectual discussion on a given article recently published in the journal (up to 90 days). It is published at the exclusive criterion of the Editorial Board, with the corresponding response when pertinent.