La discriminación de la mujer en el repertorio paremiológico alemán y su correspondencia en español.


  • Alfonso Corbacho Sánchez Universidad de Extremadura



In this paper, a selection of German and Spanish proverbs concerned with the discrimination of women are analysed and compared. Thus, after a few considerations about paremiology, a brief contrastive analysis is made of the most common German and Spanish proverbs in which the main referents are women, with frequent derogative associations with all kinds of objects, animals, attitudes, etc. Striking similarities are found between both languages, and not only as far as the underlying Patriarchal ideology is concerned but even in the actual formulation of most of the proverbs. This, apart from confirming a common traditional cultural pattern, is of great use to teachers of German and Spanish as second languages and, of course, to translators.



How to Cite

Sánchez, A. C. (2010). La discriminación de la mujer en el repertorio paremiológico alemán y su correspondencia en español. Cadernos De Tradução, 2(24), 129–158.