Translation in teaching/learning latin: an analysis of several nominations of the translated text


  • Danielle Chagas de Lima Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem (IEL-Unicamp)



This paper aims at examining translation as a didactic tool in teaching/learning Latin. Taking into account the attention that has been devoted to approaches and methodologies for teaching Latin, we would like to look specifically at translation and its relationship with the reading process in the light of Translation Studies by examining possible distinctive properties of the translational act within Latin teaching/learning. Thus, considering the translations produced while teaching/learning Latin and understanding them as a reading process and the products of individuals, we intend to analyze certain translation-related adjectivizations within the field of Classics (variably called “working” translation, “reference” translation and “operational” or “study” translation) and their possible implications.

Author Biography

Danielle Chagas de Lima, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem (IEL-Unicamp)

Doutoranda em Linguística pelo Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem, desenvolve pesquisa em Estudos Clássicos com financiamento da Capes.



How to Cite

Chagas de Lima, D. (2017). Translation in teaching/learning latin: an analysis of several nominations of the translated text. Cadernos De Tradução, 37(3), 139–159.