Translator's self-confidence versus selfefficacy: A terminology proposal and literature review




Even though there has been a growing interest in constructs related to the branch of Translation Studies known as Translation Psychology in the past few years, further research is required into this topic (Hubscher-Davidson, 324-325). This paper will focus on selfconfidence and self-efficacy, two self-perceptions whose conceptual difference is not always clear to researchers, probably due to the recent incorporation of the term self-efficacy to Translation Studies. In this paper the differences and similarities between these two psychological constructs will be established. A terminology proposal will also be presented to clarify this confusion. Moreover, previous studies on translator’s selfefficacy and self-confidence will be described. This will allow us to offer
a panoramic view of the research performed on these two constructs and thus to identify research lines that need to be explored. Among these lines are the influence that self-awareness can have on the development of selfefficacy and self-confidence, the relation that may exist between these two self-perceptions and the decision-making process, or the relation that may exist between self-efficacy, self-confidence and other self-perceptions, such as self-concept.

Author Biography

María del Mar Haro Soler, Universidad de Granada, Veiga de Granada

Personal docente e investigador en el Departamento de Traducción e Interpretación de la Universidad de Granada (España). Docente en el Grado en Traducción e Interpretación de la Universidad de Granada. Investigadora visitante en Kent State University (Ohio, EE.UU) y Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz (Germersheim, Alemania). Licenciatura y Máster en Traducción e Interpretación (Universidad de Granada).


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How to Cite

Haro Soler, M. del M. (2019). Translator’s self-confidence versus selfefficacy: A terminology proposal and literature review. Cadernos De Tradução, 39(2), 204–226.