Translating Valongo: Translation of the Nomination of Valongo Wharf Archaeological Site for Inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List




This text analyses the translation of a passage from the nomination dossier of Valongo Wharf Archaeological Site for inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List through the lens of Systemic Functional Linguistics. The wharf, discovered in 2011 during the
redevelopment of the centre of Rio de Janeiro, was built in 1811 to receive
enslaved Africans in the country. The analysis focuses on a passage from
the dossier that describes the arrival and processing of the newly arrived
Africans in Rio de Janeiro and the translations produced by students of
translation. Parts of the text where the students’ translations diverge from
the original are analysed, bringing to light some key aspects of the text,
such as the use of nominalization and passive verb forms, erasing the
agency of the historical actors and distancing the authors from the events
they are narrating. Subtle shifts identified in some of the translations,
such as the exchange of passive constructions for verbs in the active voice or vice-versa, reveal the agency or interference of the translator in the
representation of the source text.

Author Biography

Rebecca Atkinson, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro

Mestre em Estudos da Linguagem da PUC-Rio (2006); doutoranda do Programa Interdisciplinar em Linguística Aplicada da UFRJ; professora de tradução (português-inglês) desde 2005, nos cursos de formação de tradutores (extensão e especialização) na PUC-Rio


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How to Cite

Atkinson, R. (2021). Translating Valongo: Translation of the Nomination of Valongo Wharf Archaeological Site for Inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Cadernos De Tradução, 41(1), 66–85.