Representing alterity in a post-colonial context: Lídia Jorge’s A costa dos murmúrios and its english and french translations




This article explores two translations of Lídia Jorge’s A costa dos murmúrios (1988), published in France (1989) and in the United States (1995). Translated from a peripheral language into central languages and dominant cultural systems, this novel about the Portuguese colonial war in Africa had contrasting receptions in those countries, which point to different approaches to its translation. This study sets out to identify the main agents and external factors involved in the translation process and to determine the role that issues of patronage, the national translation tradition and the national history of both receiving cultures play in it. With these questions in mind, the focus will then turn to the way the colonized people and their culture are represented in the novel, to verify whether or not there was a tendency, in translating, to replace non-Western cultural references with more widespread forms of representation. 

Biografia autore

Dominique Faria, University of the Azores

Dominique Faria: PhD in contemporary French Literature (2008) from the University of the Azores, Portugal. MA in French Literature (1998) and BA in Modern Language and Literature (French and English), both from the University of Lisbon, Portugal. She is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Modern
Languages and Literature at the University of the Azores, Portugal, and also a member of the Centre for Comparative Studies of the University of Lisbon,
Portugal. Ponta Delgada, Região Autônoma dos Açores, Portugal. E-mail:




Come citare

Faria, D. (2017). Representing alterity in a post-colonial context: Lídia Jorge’s A costa dos murmúrios and its english and french translations. Cadernos De Tradução, 37(1), 46–64.