Pedagogical practices and articulations in child rearing: contributions to the development process of a child with autism


  • Alexandre Freitas Marchiori Prefeitura Municipal de Vitória (PMV)
  • Carla de Almeida Aguiar França Prefeitura Municipal de Vitória (PMV)



The present article is based on the recognition of the integrality of the subject and the necessity of a pedagogical work that amplifies the formative possibilities of the child in the child rearing. The object of study is the autism and the possibilities of development of Suely in the relation with the pairs and adults of the Municipal Child Rearing Center (MCRC). The methodology corresponds to a case study, used to follow the pedagogical practices in a MCRC of the city of Vitória, developed with a class of Group 4/5, children from 04 to 05 years. The subject of the research corresponds to a student diagnosed clinically with autism. The research period comprised 10 months (March to December) of the year 2016. As Vygotsky (2005, 2006, 2007) proposes, the formation of identity permeates social relations, are present in interactions with each other, in the appropriation of culture and In language development. The objectives of the research sought to outline pedagogical work perspectives to aid in the development process of a child with autism, attended in early childhood education. The work carried out during 2016 sought to break with possible limitations arising from Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), in a preventive and proactive approach. The learning that can be highlighted in the formation of Suely was the development of oral language, since it enables the subject to interact with others and to appropriate signs and produce new meanings, appropriation of the uses of reading and writing, Social interaction, artistic expression and aesthetics and autonomy in the choices needed in the daily life of the institution.

Author Biographies

Alexandre Freitas Marchiori, Prefeitura Municipal de Vitória (PMV)

Professor Mestre em Educação, professor de Educação física na Educação Infanil de Vitória.

Carla de Almeida Aguiar França, Prefeitura Municipal de Vitória (PMV)

Professora especialista em Educação Especial.


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