Education and Care of Babies in the pandemic: an analysis from generational, racial and gender relations




The aim of this article is to discuss the education and care of babies in the COVID-19 pandemic period, taking generation, race and gender as reference. The interdisciplinary theoretical basis is situated in the fields of education of ethnic-racial relations, gender studies, especially feminists and social studies of childhood. This is a mixed-approach study, quanti-quali, which explores statistical data on babies' access to daycare and on the living conditions of women with children. The analyses also take as reference interviews with black women who have their babies in a municipal public daycare center in Florianopolis. From the analysis of the data, it is indicated that the factors of inequality that mark the access of babies to the day care center were already present since before the pandemic and in the case of the living conditions of black women with children, a process of precariousness of life is observed, and in the context studied stands out an intense occupation of the time of women with the care of their babies and other people, the decrease of resources for subsistence and a process of social confinement.

Author Biography

Ângela Scalabrin Coutinho, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Departamento de Teoria e Prática de Ensino, área de Prática Pedagógica e sub-área da Educação Infantil

Porgrama de Pós-graduação em Educação, linha Educação: diversidade, diferença e desigualdade social


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