Pedagogical documentation as a methodological strategy: dialogue with experiences in Portugal and Brazil
Pedagogical Documentation, Early Childhood Education, Methodological strategyAbstract
This article weaves conceptual and practical analyzes of Pedagogical Documentation based on a multiple case study, which involved observation, document analysis and semi-structured interviews with professionals from two Early Childhood Education institutions (one in Portugal and another in Brazil). It also carried out an integrative review, mapping studies and practices that deal with the theme. In the argumentation process, the focus is on the ways in which the two researched institutions conceive and use documentation, as well as it points out the challenges and institutional conditions for its implementation. The observed experiences reveal articulated processes of planning/documenting/evaluating and, in the light of the integrative review, new conceptual aspects were revealed: the Pedagogical Documentation is (re)defined as a methodological strategy encompassing multifaceted perspectives (didactics, politics, ethics and aesthetics).
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