Registering and documenting in early childhood education: textures of the pedagogical práxis of a municipal early childhook education center in Goiânia, Goiás


  • José Firmino de Oliveira Neto Universidade Federal de Goiás



Early Childhood Education, Record, Pedagogical Documentation, Pedagogical praxis


The text aims to think about the movements of registration and pedagogical documentation in the time-space of Early Childhood Education, through the exercise of listening to teachers in a Municipal Center for Early Childhood Education, in Goiânia, Goiás. Through qualitative research, we made room for the narratives of three teachers, during semi-structured interviews, and carried out their analysis in the light of Content Analysis, giving rise to the categories: Record and pedagogical documentation: conceptions; Pedagogical planning; Registration and documentation instruments and The time and space of registration in early childhood education. The teachers' narratives echo a learning trajectory about the practice of recording and pedagogical documentation, and the diversity of used records is intertwined with the narratives of official documents. The action of recording and documenting is an institutionalized praxis at CMEI that gains strength in its daily life despite the contradictions pointed out by the teachers for its implementation, especially the fact that they need conditions and time outside the working day to complete them.


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