The Thirties: A Reconsideration in the Light of the American Political Tradition. Illinois: Northern Illinois University Press, 1968. 154 pp.
The Thirties contains eight essays delivered in lecture form during the annual seminar on the American Political Tradition held at Claremont College during February 1966. Among the eight lecturers were Irving Kristol, co—editor of The Public Interest; Howard Zinn, Professor of Government at Boston University; Leslie A. Fiedler, prominent American literary critic and author; Frank H. Knight, Professor of Social Sciences and Philosophy at the University of Chicago; Upton Sinclair, internationally known novelist among whose works are The Jungle and King Coal; and two former government officials who participated in shaping the New Deal under Roosevelt; Raymond Moley and Rexford G. Tugwell.Downloads
Copyright (c) 1990 Laura Skandera
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A revista Ilha do Desterro publica artigos e resenhas inéditos, referentes as áreas de Inglês, Literaturas em Língua Inglesa e Estudos Culturais. Publica volumes mistos e/ou temáticos, com artigos e resenhas em inglês e português.
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