Quality of Service: a study in databases bibliometric international


  • Deosir Flávio Lobo de Castro Junior Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina/IFSC Doutorando de Administração e Turismo-UNIVALI
  • Elvis Silveira-Martins Universidade Federal de Pelotas/UFPeL Doutor em Administração e Turismo-UNIVALI
  • Marcelo Augusto Menezes Deluca Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina/UFSC Doutorando de Administração e Turismo-UNIVALI
  • Carlos Ricardo Rossetto Universidade do Vale do Itajai/UNIVALI Doutor em Engenharia de Produção-UFSC




The purpose of this article is to serve as a source of references on Quality of Service for future research. After surveying the international databases, EBSCO and ProQuest, the results on the state of the art in this issue are presented. The method used was the bibliometrics, and 132 items from a universe of 13,427 were investigated. The analyzed works cover the period from 1985 to 2011. Among the contributions, results and conclusions for future research are presented: i) most cited authors ii) most used methodology, dimensions and questionnaire; iii) most referenced publications iv) international journals with most publications on the subject, v) distribution of the number of publications per year; vi) authors networks vii) educational institutions network; viii) terms used in the search in international databases; ix) the relationships studied in 132 articles; x) criteria for choice of methodology in the research on quality of services; xi) most often used paradigm, and xii) 160 high impact references.



How to Cite

Castro Junior, D. F. L. de, Silveira-Martins, E., Deluca, M. A. M., & Rossetto, C. R. (2013). Quality of Service: a study in databases bibliometric international. Journal of Administration Science, 15(36), 49–68. https://doi.org/10.5007/2175-8077.2013v15n36p49




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