Organizational Commitment: mapping and analysis of validated scales in Brazil
This study aimed to map and analyze scales existing in the national literature on organizational commitment. The research consisted of two stages: (i) bibliographical research, in which publications on the subject were mapped, covering the period from 1990 to 2020; and (ii) mapping and analysis of scales at national level, seeking to verify aspects related to the source of items, scale of responses and validation procedure. 314 publications were analyzed by searching the main databases and websites of Brazilian journals and it was found that the years 2008 to 2018 were the ten most productive years in Brazil, with 213 works. The predominance of measures based on the three-dimensional model was identified, but it is necessary to produce scales that go beyond this model, proposing more dimensions in some cases and a unidimensional perspective in others. We highlight the systematic non-comparison of psychometric indices among all the so-called proposals, due to the unavailability of such data in some advanced studies.
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