The Meaning of Work and the Future bond with the Employee Organization.


  • Laércio André Gassen Balsan Federal University of Santa Maria
  • Antônio Virgílio Bittencourt Bastos Federal University of Bahia
  • Thiago Antônio Beuron Federal University of Pampa
  • Vânia Medianeira Flores Costa Federal University of Santa Maria



The present study examines the association between the meaning of work attributed by employer before joining the organization and the ties (Organizational Commitment, Organizational Entrenchment and Organizational Consent) formed after months of work. It also analyzes the variability of the meaning of work, seeking to know the factors that influence it. For this, a longitudinal study was carried out with workers of different organizations, before their entry in contracting organization, applying a questionnaire containing measures previously validated for the brazilian context. A new data collect was made nine months after the entry. The main results revealed that work is one of the main spheres of life of the individual, being surpassed only by the family. It was found that the meaning of work is a significant element in predicting the future bond established between the individual entering the labor market and the contracting organization.

Biografía del autor/a

Laércio André Gassen Balsan, Federal University of Santa Maria

PhD in Administration

Antônio Virgílio Bittencourt Bastos, Federal University of Bahia

PhD in Psychology

Thiago Antônio Beuron, Federal University of Pampa

PhD in Administration

Vânia Medianeira Flores Costa, Federal University of Santa Maria

PhD in Administration


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Cómo citar

Balsan, L. A. G., Bastos, A. V. B., Beuron, T. A., & Costa, V. M. F. (2020). The Meaning of Work and the Future bond with the Employee Organization. Revista De Ciencias De La Administración, 21(55), 134–146.


