Composition and framing in modern and postmodern time print ads: What has changed and what these changes might mean
This paper explores both possible changes regarding composition and framing in modern and postmodern tiME print ads as well as the meaning of these changes with respect to some of the main themes in the modern/postmodern debate. by comparing one-page ads from a 1929 and a 2009 tiME magazine issue, it identifies a shift from a balanced disconnected top-bottom composition to two unbalanced but more connected top-bottom compositions. Then, it attempts at interpreting this shift as a process of duplication of the modern compositional pattern, corroborating the position of social theorists who understand postmodernity as a phase within modernity itself.
A revista Ilha do Desterro publica artigos e resenhas inéditos, referentes as áreas de Inglês, Literaturas em Língua Inglesa e Estudos Culturais. Publica volumes mistos e/ou temáticos, com artigos e resenhas em inglês e português.
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