Nidhi Chanani's Pashmina: A Single Mother's Quest for Diasporic Relocation
Multiculturalism, Graphic novel, Indian diasporaResumo
Nidhi Chanani in her debut graphic novel, Pashmina synthesizes the diasporic dilemma of dislocation and relocation in a multicultural context through Nimisha’s character. As a first-generation immigrant, Nimisha projects the concept of “cultural transplantation” in a diasporic setting. She represents the Indian-American women and brings out their quandaries, joys, and sorrows during their struggle between relocation and acculturation. Seen through the eyes of Priyanka, Pashmina charts Nimisha’s quest for identity in India and the diaspora. Through the psychological, cultural, and generational conflict of Nimisha and her daughter, Nidhi Chanani presents a mother-daughter duo to us who challenge the traditional concept of diasporic womanhood in various ways. The present paper demarcates the zones of Nidhi Chanani’s female diasporic characters’ confirmation of the prevalent diasporic theories and their breaking from them. It further proceeds to focus on how the traditional concept of diasporic victimhood and forced exile has given way to emancipation and identity formation. Finally, the article examines how the graphic novel presents America as a total antithesis to India: although geographically alien, the country is perceived by immigrant women as a place in which they can survive with dignity and respect.
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