Extracurricular Pronunciation Training Examined: A Qualitative Investigation





Extracurricular pronunciation training, segmentals, suprasegmentals, course design


This study presents the design and implementation procedures of an extracurricular pronunciation training program designed for English language learners and investigates its effectiveness through the eyes of the participating students and trainers. Course design processes, instructional methodology, resources, and the syllabus are examined closely through students’ reflections (N=25). Their views on program content, tasks, and evolving pronunciation learning goals post-completion of the training were analyzed via content analysis. Post-program written reflections from the researcher trainer and observer trainer on the effectiveness of the training, content and tasks, and challenges regarding pronunciation instruction as part of an extracurricular program were subjected to thematic analysis. Findings reveal cognitive and affective gains among student participants, attributing strength to course content, tasks, and the trainer. The researcher and observer trainer deemed the training successful overall highlighting duration and assignment submission as areas requiring further attention. The study also discusses the complementary value of extracurricular pronunciation training alongside traditional in-class instruction and emphasizes the importance of tailoring pronunciation targets to the specific needs of the audience.

Biografia do Autor

Tarik Uzun, Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University

Tarık Uzun is an instructor and the Independent Learning Program (ILP) Coordinator at Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Türkiye. He holds a Ph.D. in foreign language teaching. His research interests include pronunciation instruction, foreign accent, intelligibility, and self-access language learning. His work has been published in peer-reviewed journals, and he has presented at several national and international conferences. He also serves as a review board member for MEXTESOL Journal and SISAL Journal and holds positions as an IATEFL PronSIG (Pronunciation Special Interest Group) committee member and co-editor of Speak Out! Journal, the SIG'S bi-annual publication.


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