Examining vowel intelligibility in Brazilian Portuguese EFL learners: A study using Automatic Speech Recognition
L2 pronunciation, Automatic Speech Recognition, Intelligibility, Vowel production, Autonomous learningResumo
As traditional EFL classrooms often struggle with limited time and input for pronunciation instruction, technologies such as Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) may serve as a complementary tool to aid learners in the acquisition of specific English sounds. However, in order to consider the usefulness of ASR tools, more careful testing should be conducted in order to observe their ability to perform in specific contexts. The objective of the present study was to replicate Authors (2022) by examining how Microsoft Word Dictate judged the intelligibility of Brazilian Portuguese speakers of English. Contrary to Authors (2022) who examined continuous speech, the present study focused on vowels embedded in isolated words. Results showed that the intelligibility was low (50%) in comparison to Authors (2022). Discussion centers around the uses of ASR on FL pronunciation development in autonomous learning and instructed settings.
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