Exotic science and domestic exoticism: Theodore Roosevelt and J. A. Leite Moraes in Amazonia


  • Renata Wasserman Wayne State University




Exotic science and domestic exoticism: Theodore Roosevelt and J. A. Leite Moraes in Amazonia

Author Biography

Renata Wasserman, Wayne State University

Renata R. M.  WRenata R. M.  W Renata R. M.  WRenata R. M.  W Renata R. M.  W assermanasserman assermanasserman asserman is a Professor of Comparative Literature in the English Department at Wayne State University. She is the author of Exotic Nations: Literature and Cultural Identity in Brazil and the United States (1994), of Central at the Margin: Five Brazilian Women Writers  (2007), and numerous articles, including "Clarice Lispector e o misticismo da matéria" in Clarice Lispector: Novos aportes crítico (2008);  "Financial Fictions: Emile Zola's L'argent, Frank Norris' The Pit, and Alfredo de Taunay's O encilhamento, Comparative Literature Studies; "Mario Vargas Llosa, Euclides da Cunha, and the Strategies of Intertextuality,"  PMLA, among others.  She is now working on a book about finance in novels between 1870 and 1930.





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