<b>Testing oral proficiency: what does pronunciation tell us?</b><br>


  • Vanessa Borges-Almeida Faculdades Claretianas
  • Douglas Altamiro Consolo State University of São Paulo




In this study we discuss the role of pronunciation in languagetesting and investigate two features of pronunciation of eightcandidates of the Test of Oral Proficiency in English (TEPOLI)along four bands of the test scale. Deviations in vowel segmentsand in syllable structure are analyzed. The results point to theneed for a global assessment of the candidates’ phonologicalsystems.

Author Biographies

Vanessa Borges-Almeida, Faculdades Claretianas

Vanessa Borges-Almeida is a PhD student at UNESP – São José do Rio Preto. She holds a Master’s in Educational Psychology from PUCCAMP and a degree in Letters (Translation) from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. She presently works for Faculdades Claretianas – Rio Claro. Her research interests include proficiency testing, teacher education and beliefs about teaching and learning languages.

Douglas Altamiro Consolo, State University of São Paulo

Douglas Altamiro Consolo holds a BA in Linguistics and an MA in Applied Linguistics from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil, and a PhD in TEFL from the University of Reading, England. He has done post-doctoral work on Language Assessment at UNICAMP and at the University of Melbourne,Australia. He is Associate Professor at the State University of Sao Paulo (UNESP), in Brazil, where he teaches English and Applied Linguistics. He is the coordinator for a postgraduate course on Advanced Studies in the English Language. His research work and publications focus on language assessment, oral skills, foreign language education, face-to-face and electronic interaction, and teacher education. He is also the coordinator for the research group “Ensino e aprendizagem de língua estrangeira: crenças, construtos e competências” (CNPq/UNESP), and one of the senior researchers in the project “Teletandem Brazil: foreign languages for all” (FAPESP/ UNESP).

