A house on sale for a homecoming. The unhomely semantics of post-apartheid South Africa


  • Anderson Bastos Martins Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora





This article is a biographical study of Nadine Gordimer through a dialogue staged between three of her characters–Helen Shaw, Rosa Burger and Vera Stark–and one of her essays. The object of the study is to retrace Nadine Gordimer’s steps in her long journey that allowed her to assume and experience not only a nationality but also a sense of belonging to Africa as an African rather than a colonial.

Author Biography

Anderson Bastos Martins, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

Anderson Bastos Martins won his Master’s Degree in LiteraryTheory from Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora with a dissertationentitled “A New Old Story: Nadine Gordimer’s Political Fiction”.He received his Doctor’s Degree in Comparative Literature fromUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais, with a dissertation entitled“Where Is My Country Situated?: Exile and Migration in NadineGordimer’s Post-Apartheid Fiction”. He currently holds a postdoctoralCAPES scholarship at the Post-Graduation Department in Language and Literature at Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei.

