Lexical decision making in adults with dyslexia: an event-related potential study


  • Karen E. Waldie University of Auckland
  • Gjurgjica Badzakova-Trajkov University of Auckland
  • Vanessa K. Lim University of Auckland
  • Ian J. Kirk University of Auckland






Performance on a lexical decision task was investigated in 12 English speaking adults with dyslexia.  two age-matched comparison groups of unimpaired readers were included: 14 monolingual adults and 15 late proficient bilinguals. The aim of the study was to determine the timing of neural events with event-related potentials (ErPs) during lexical decision-making between individuals with dyslexia and unimpaired readers (both unilingual and bilingual). ErPs were calculated for posterior sites in the left and right hemispheres and the P1 and n170 components were compared between groups. Event-related EEG  coherence (measuring  the synchrony of neural events during lexical tasks both between and within cerebral hemispheres) was also calculated for seven electrode pairs (three pairs at symmetrical locations between hemispheres, and two pairs within each hemisphere). We chose to recruit two comparison groups of unimpaired readers to better clarify the findings resulting from the right hemisphere (EEG) coherence analysis. That is, both late-proficient bilinguals and adults with dyslexia are thought to rely on right hemisphere resources during reading. We hypothesized that those with dyslexia would show less within-hemisphere coherence and more between-hemisphere coherence than bilingual individuals. dyslexics had both lower amplitude and longer latency n170 activation than unimpaired readers, suggesting asynchronous neural activity. Dyslexics showed greater synchrony between hemispheres in gamma range frequencies whereas the bilingual group showed greater synchrony in the theta frequency band (both within and between hemispheres). This study demonstrates that individuals with developmental dyslexia have reduced amplitudes in the n170 and higher synchrony between hemispheres during a reading task. The differences may be due to an asynchrony of neuronal activity at the point where word form features are distinguished.

Author Biographies

Karen E. Waldie, University of Auckland

Karen E. Waldie is currently an  associate Professor in the department of Psychology and  research Centre for Cognitive neuroscience at the University of auckland. her research is in the area of developmental neuropsychology and focuses on the neural bases, and long-term outcomes, of neurodevelopmental disorders such as dyslexia. her experimental work combines techniques from cognitive neuroscience (functional Magnetic resonance imaging and electroencephalography) and clinical neuropsychology. She received her bSc at the University of victoria and her MSc/Phd (1998) at the University of Calgary. She became a member of the University of auckland in 2001.  She is a member of numerous professional societies and has published over 50 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters.

Gjurgjica Badzakova-Trajkov, University of Auckland

Gjurgjica Badzakova-Trajkov was born in Macedonia and arrived in auckland to do her postgraduate work at the university. She received her bSc honours and Phd under the supervision of dr. Karen E Waldie and was funded by a University of auckland doctoral Scholarship. For her research, she used a combination of EEG recordings and fMri during cognitive tasks with adult bilinguals. Gjurgjica successfully completed a research fellowship with Professor Mike Corballis and is currently the recipient of the prestigious aotearoa postdoctoral award. She is starting this research jointly with the Centre for brain research and is also completing her clinical qualifications.

Vanessa K. Lim, University of Auckland

Vanessa K Lim (Phd) held the following positions: Senior research Fellow and neuroimaging Manager at the department of Psychology, research Centre for Cognitive neuroscience, University of auckland, new zealand.  her main interests include focal hand dystonia, music perception and production, tonal language experiences and its interaction with music perception and amusia.

Ian J. Kirk, University of Auckland

Ian James Kirk received his Phd from the University of otago in the area of neuroscience. Following numerous postdoctoral fellowships around the world, he settled in auckland in 2000 in the department of Psychology. he is the Co-director of the Centre for brain research and specializes in EEG oscillations and memory processes.

